Animals have a unique ability to sense who loves them, especially dogs. Dogs are the wisest animals
with the intelligence to identify the feelings of their master or any other person who loves them.
Usually, they are very faithful to their master and bark at persons who are not known to them. It is
the pure reason that they are the best guardians.
When an unknown person comes to the house, we know that a dog first bark at them and chase
them away, as they do not trust them. And it is common for the mailman, delivery person, and other
workers who come to the house for simple jobs like fixing stiff and minor repairs. But there are
instances where the mailman, milkman, or delivery guys be the best friends of these watchdogs or
domestic pet dogs. This usually happens when they meet these people daily. They automatically
become good friends. When you meet them almost every day regularly, these dogs realize that they
are not a threat to them.

UPS is one of the delivery services that is expanded worldwide. And they travel to all the places in
the world with the parcels. So naturally, they meet these lovely souls in the houses they deliver the
paces to. So the UPS Dogs is a particular Facebook page unique for the stories between the delivery
guys and the dogs they meet. This page shares all the love, emotional and amazing stories. These
wonderful delivery guys do not deliver the parcels only. They do not miss carrying a treat or a toy for
these cute little dog friends they meet on the way.

Here is another exciting story of one such friendship! The UPS driver, Katie Newhouser, is a person
who loves dogs by nature. She meets a lot of friendly doggies on the way to deliver the parcels. But
among them, one dog caught their attention and her heart. She fell in love with the dog. It was not
just an ordinary relationship. It was special. The bond between Katie and the dog was so strong that
this puppy did not become homeless when the owner passed away.
Katie has three dogs on her own. But she loves hanging out with all the dogs she meets on her way
to deliver the parcels. This happens almost every day.
But one dog among them was special to her. It was a pit bull called Leo, and Leo had something
extraordinary in him that attracted the attention of Katie.

This pit bull could identify Katie whenever she pulled into the condo complex to deliver the
packages. He would jump on the truck when she stopped by. This dog was so special to Katie that
she made friends with the owner of this pit bull Tina. Katie learned that Tina and her son had found
Leo when he was just a baby. They bottle-fed the puppy and took care of him till it was healthy.
Katie realized that Leo and her mom Tina were, sharing s strong bond between them. They have
been doing everything together and were so close as a family. But suddenly, Katie heard the
frustrating news of the passing away of Tina, Leo’s mom. It was such shocking news to Katie.
After things settled about the passing away of Tina, Katie started to worry about Leo. She even
contacted Tina’s son to check on Leo. Tina’s son Cannon was on active duty in the Marines. So, he
needed to be able to care for Leo.

Though Katie has three dogs alone, she also decided to take care of Leo. This is how she adopts Leo.
Though it initially confused Leo, he soon adapted to the situation. To him, the other three dogs
become family. He and his brother Moose were inseparable. And soon, Bailey and his sister became
friends and were the most excellent playmates. The whole vibe in the house changed because of the
new addition to the dog family.

This was fantastic news to share on the UPS Dogs Facebook page. The post soon went viral and
started getting lovely comments. Everyone was celebrating Leo’s new home. But still, Leo missed his
mom, Tina. But Leo was lucky enough to find the most impressive new home full of love and among
those who adored him. He was indeed fortunate to have a home that was secure and affectionate.
Everyone felt so happy to read the story of Leo and how he found his new home and this new dog
family at Katie’s house. And most of all, Leo is over the moon to have the new company and love he
receives unconditionally from Kate and his fellow buddies.

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